Oprogramowanie TRACK GPS
Od dnia 01.05.20011 r pełne oprogramowanie TRACK GPS będzie dostępne dla klientów indywidualnych
1.Pliki TRACK GPS z kodem źródłowym do zarządzania flotą pojazdów 3990 zł netto
2.Instalacja plików i konfiguracja serwera dedykowanego 990 zł netto
3.Pomoc w zakupie kart telemetrycznych
4.Moduł do obsługi urządzeń oferowanych przez nasza firmę 900 zł netto
5.Instalacja dowolnego modułu do obsługi urządzeń monitorujących pojazd 1500 zł netto
6.Wybór firmy z serwerem dedykowanym od 150 zł netto miesięcznie
Na wszystkie pytania odpowiem osobiście Adam Zaporski tel 601 20 52 12
lub email videosat(małpa)videosat.com.pl
Dostępne moduły urzadzeń:
- Antx, Inc. [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-4)
- Messenger (J1708/J1939/CanBus)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via UDP
- UDP acknowledgments
- End-of-day events
- Actual vehicle odometer and fuel usage data, etc.
- Engine fault codes
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- ArkNav (pc:DCS-3)
- R35 Asset Tracker (in development)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via UDP/TCP
- UDP/TCP acknowledgments
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- ATrack Technology Inc. [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- AT1(E)
- AT3(E)
- AT5(i)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via UDP/TCP
- ASCII/Binary mode
- Acknowledgments
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Simulated GPIO input events
- 2 Temperature inputs
- Analog input
- Driver ID
- Driver message
- CalAmp [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-5)
- LM-900
- LMU-1200
- LMU-2500
- etc.
Supported Features:
- Receive data via UDP
- UDP acknowledgments
- Event-code to Status-code mapping
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Accumulators (odometer, timers, 1-wire data, etc)
- Sending commands to the device via UDP or SMS (with available email to SMS gateway)
- Digital Communications Technologies [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- Antares SB
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP (“REV” record type only)
- UDP acknowledgments
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Sending commands to the device via UDP or SMS (with available email to SMS gateway)
- Enfora [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-5)
- MT-Gu/GSM2338 (with Garmin FMI for driver communication)
- Mini-MT/GSM2228 (Personal Tracker)
- MT-G/GSM2208
- MT-GL/GSM2218
- MT-uL/GSM2238
- SA-G+/GSM1308
- Spider-AT
Supported Features:
- Receive data via UDP
- UDP acknowledgments
- Garmin PND interface
- Garmin driver message to outbound email translation
- Optional headers support
- ASCII/Binary mode
- PCELL information storage (binary-mode only)
- User-number to Status-code mapping
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Sending commands to the device via UDP or SMS (with available email to SMS gateway)
- Includes Comtrack J1708/J1939/OBDII interface (limited time offer)
- Includes Windows-based scripting tool and example script
- Falcom (pc:DCS-3)
- GlobalSat (pc:DCS-2)
- TR-102 (in development)
- GlobalStar/Axonn SPOT (pc:DCS-3)
- SPOT (personal tracker)
Supported Features:
- Satellite-based simplex communications
- Receive data via HTTP-based server
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- GlobalStar/Axonn SmartONE (pc:DCS-3)
- SmartONE
Supported Features:
- Satellite-based simplex communications
- Receive data via HTTP-based server
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Laipac (pc:DCS-3)
- StarFinder AVL 110
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Meitrack MVT (pc:DCS-2)
- Meitrack MVT88, MVT100, MVT600 (‘AAA’ events only)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- RedView CT-03 / Meitrack Meiligao VT [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-2)
- Meiligao Series VT310, VT300, GT30, GT60 (when using the RedView CT-03 protocol)
- Oner Electronics Technology Limited PT01, PT03, CT01, CT02, CT03
- RedView CT-03
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Meitrack VT310 analog sensor inputs
- Fuel level sensor (provided by Meitrack)
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Estimated odometer calculation
Note: When used with Meitrack devices, we recommend also purchasing the RedView CT-04 DCS below.
- RedView CT-04 / Oner Electronics Technology Limited / Meitrack [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-2)
- Meiligao VT300, etc. (when using the RedView CT-04 protocol)
- Oner Electronics Technology Limited CT04
- RedView CT-04
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Analog sensors (fuel level monitors)
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Quectel/SIMCom GL100 [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- GL100 (also sold as “Spark Nano”, “Enduro”, “SIMCom eLoc”, “Queclink GL100”, etc) (personal tracker)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Sending commands to the device via UDP or SMS (with available SMS gateway)
- Quecklink GL200 [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- GL200 (also sold as “Spark Nano 2.0”) (personal tracker)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Quecklink GV100 [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- GV100 (vehicle tracker)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Systems and Technology Corp. (pc:DCS-1)
- Intellitrac X1
- Intellitrac X8
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Teltonika [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-3)
- FM2200
- FM3200
- FM4200
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- 4 Analog sensor inputs
- CANBUS data fields
- iButton data field (stored as a tag ID)
- Acceleration data field
- Temperature data fields
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Simulated GPIO input events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Sending commands to the device via SMS (with available SMS gateway)
- Trimble (pc:DCS-1)
- TrimTrac
- TZone (pc:DCS-2)
- TZ-AVL05 (in development)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- TZone (pc:DCS-1)
- TZ-AVL08
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Wonde Proud (pc:DCS-1)
- SPT100 (personal tracker)
- Xirgo Technologies, LLC [DCS Manual] (pc:DCS-4)
- XT-2000-G-X001 (OBDII)
Supported Features:
- Receive data via TCP/UDP
- Simulated Geozone arrive/depart events
- Estimated odometer calculation
- Sending commands to the device via UDP or SMS (with available email to SMS gateway)